Allopathy vs homeopathy which is best

Introduction : 

Allopathy vs homeopathy which is better

Whenever any disease is treated, everyone definitely thinks about Allopathy vs homeopathy which is best, in today's time where everyone wants results of everything very quickly. In that situation, Ayurveda and Homeopathy have started lagging behind. Because it cures the disease from its root, but its effect is gradual.

For this reason, people prefer to go towards Allopathy instead of Ayurveda and Homeopathy. Because the side effects of allopathy are a little more, but it gives immediate results, today through this article we will try to tell you that Allopathy vs homeopathy which is best.

What is allopathy treatment?

Today, people know allopathic treatment as Western medicine treatment. In this, an attempt is made to cure the disease by using one medicine or a group of medicines. In allopathy, the disease is detected mainly through blood tests. Many serious diseases are cured by operation.

If seen, allopathy works very fast, the only problem is that whatever medicine is given under allopathy. Not only does it cure the disease, but it also has some side effects. Due to which there is a risk of developing many other diseases.

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Allopathy Advantages and Disadvantages :

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There are many problems in allopathic treatment also, it has some advantages and some disadvantages also.

What are the advantages of allopathy :

  1. The biggest advantage of allopathy is that it shows quick relief from any disease.
  2. Any disease can be cured very quickly through allopathy.A
  3. Any disease is treated here by very capable and highly qualified doctors.
  4. Allopathy has very high level equipment for testing every disease. With the help of which the disease can be detected very easily.
  5. In allopathy, instead of targeting the entire body, only that organ is targeted which is causing the disease.

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What are the disadvantages of allopathy

  1. Allopathy works only for that organ which is causing the disease. It doesn't fix other problems.
  2. Due to allopathic medicines, the good bacteria in our body, which work to keep us healthy, are destroyed.
  3. Through allopathic medicines, the disease is suppressed and not cured, this is its biggest drawback.
  4. The allopathic method of curing any disease can sometimes be harmful.
  5. In allopathy medicine, the disease is cured but many people complain that after the disease is cured, they have seen many other problems.

What is the Homeopathy Definition : 

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Just as allopathy is a very important method of medicine, similarly homeopathy is also a type of medicine. Simply, the method of treating it is quite different from allopathy. 

Homeopathy mainly emphasizes on strengthening your immune system because when your immune system is strong, you will naturally be less likely to get diseases. 

There is still disagreement about how effective homeopathy is. But depending on the individual, homeopathic treatment is better than allopathy.

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What are the benefits of homeopathic medicine

  • The biggest advantage of homeopathic medicine is that it does not suppress the symptoms of your disease. Rather, it tries to correct them from the root. So that you do not get that disease again in future also.
  • Homeopathic medical system is considered much safer than allopathic.
  • Any type of color or flavor is not given in homeopathic medicine. Due to which it is safe for our health.
  • Homeopathic medicine is considered safer mainly for children.
  • Homeopathic treatment is better than allopathy for people whose physical nature is very weak or for pregnant women and elderly people.

What are the disadvantages of homeopathy :

  1. Generally speaking, homeopathy does not cause any harm.
  2. If you do not consume it in limited quantity then it can harm your body.
  3. Do not get information about any medicine from anywhere and buy it yourself. Take the medicine only after consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor. Otherwise you may have to suffer loss. 4. Homeopathy takes a lot of time to cure diseases.
  4. Sometimes patients complain that the symptoms of their disease have increased after taking the medicine because the principle in homeopathic medicine is that the secret of curing the disease lies in the cause of the disease itself.

Is homeopathic medicine harmful or not?

Homeopathic medicine does not harm the body in any way. But it is capable of curing any disease from its root. 

All you need is patience. Because if you think that English medicines have immediate effect, you will not see them here. If you want your disease to be eradicated from its roots, homeopathy is best for that.

In which diseases is homeopathy more effective than allopathy:

Arthritis problem: 

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Homeopathic medicine in very effective and reliable for this disease. It proves to be more effective than allopathic. 

If pain is experienced at any place in the body where bones are joined together i.e. there is a joint, then the condition is called arthritis or osteoarthritis. Homeopathy works very well for this problem.

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Migraine is this problem: 

You all know very well that 20 out of 100 people have the problem of migraine at some point of time. Your head always hurts because of that. What is the reason for this? 

This has not been fully known yet. But according to research, the reason for this could be genetic, along with this, hormonal dis-balance, living in a loud place, stress, lack of sleep, change in weather etc. 

All these reasons are considered mainly responsible for the problem of migraine. Homeopathy works well on this.

Problem of piles: 

Even in this disease, operation is the only option in allopathy. But if you do not want to undergo operation then you can take the help of homeopathy. 

You can cure this disease without operation. You just have to be patient, because homeopathy takes time. But your illness will definitely be cured.

Problem of pinched nerve: 

This problem has become very common in today's time. Although this disease occurs only in older people, but nowadays this problem is being seen in younger people also. In this problem, the nerve gets pressed due to the slipping of the joint of our spine. 

Due to which blood circulation gets affected and pain starts in the entire legs. This pain starts from the waist and goes till the ankle. 

There is no any type of effective treatment for this in allopathy. Operation is said to be the only option. You can get relief from this disease by adopting homeopathy.

Fatty Liver Problem: 

You can also take help of homeopathy in case of fatty liver. First of all, find out the extent of your problem through a blood test. After this, start the treatment by consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor. 

You will start feeling relief in a few days. Along with treatment, you will also have to completely organize your diet and daily routine, only then you will get complete benefits.

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Frequently asked questions:

Q. 1 Does homeopathy really work well?

Ans. Yes, homeopathy works very well and the chances of causing side effects are also very less.

Q. 2 Is homeopathy better than normal medicine?

Ans. Yes, because homeopathy works on the root cause of the disease. Generally It does not suppress the symptoms of the disease. Rather, after knowing why the disease has occurred, it completely eliminates it.

Q. 3 Which is better homeopathy or standard medicine?

Ans. To cure any disease, the purpose of homeopathy is not to fight the disease directly. Instead, it focuses on making your immune system stronger. Because as soon as your immune system gets better. You will automatically be able to fight any disease.

Q. 4 What are the proven benefits of homeopathy?

Ans. If your immune system is very weak then you should definitely turn to homeopathy. Because its main objective is to strengthen your immunity. It works on the main cause of the disease. Because of which once you get cured, you will never get that disease again.

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