What happens to your body if you eat raw garlic everyday for a month

Introduction : 

What happens to your body when you eat garlic everyday life

You all know that Lasan is a very common and unique spice used in our Indian kitchens. Not only do we use it to make food tasty, it also has many medicinal properties. Which helps us in removing many types of problems related to our body. Through this article we will know What happens to your body if you eat raw garlic everyday for a month. 

Top 9 health benefits of garlic in detail :

Garlic is a very effective and a major ingredient in the kitchen. Which provides many benefits to our body. Here we will try to discuss the benefits of garlic.

1. Garlic benefits in boosting immunity:

You all know that garlic increases immunity, but do you know how it works. Whenever we grind or crush or cut garlic cloves, an enzyme called Alinase becomes active inside it. Due to which the production of allicin starts. 

It works to increase the immunity of our body, as a result of which our immunity starts getting boosted. You all know that when our immunity is good, our body will be protected from many types of harmful diseases and we will remain healthy.

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2. Garlic benefits in controlling cholesterol:

If you also want to reduce your cholesterol, then include one or two garlic cloves in your diet regularly. With this you will start seeing results very soon. 

If you start eating one or two cloves of garlic regularly, you will see a surprising reduction in your cholesterol level within a month. Due to the medicinal properties of garlic, the absorption of cholesterol in your body starts reducing.

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3. Garlic benefits in controlling weight:

How effective is garlic for weight loss

Any person who wants to lose weight should definitely consume garlic. Just keep in mind that one or two cloves is enough, do not consume garlic in large quantities. 

By consuming garlic regularly, your metabolism gradually starts speeding up. Due to which you see a reduction in your weight. 

The taste of garlic is very spicy due to which it reduces our appetite and we avoid eating many unhealthy things. By consuming garlic, we feel full for a long time.

If you have a question in your mind that garlic for weight loss how many days, then tell you that for this you will have to eat one or two cloves of garlic continuously in the morning on an empty stomach for at least 1 month, then you will see the blessings.

4. Garlic benefits in prevention cancer symptoms:

Deadly diseases like cancer can be avoided by eating garlic. Because the element found in garlic kills the malignant cells of cancer and prevents new cells from growing. Due to which cancer remains under control. 

Eating garlic proves to be very beneficial especially in breast cancer and prostate cancer. If you do not like the taste of garlic, then you can also extract it directly without chewing. 

Just focus on the fact that taste doesn't matter. If the benefit of anything is immense then you must eat it.

5. Garlic benefits in improving brain function:

Garlic is extremely beneficial for our body. This not only improves our physical health, but garlic also improves mental health. 

On regular consumption of garlic, the problem of depression gets relief and those who have weak memory, their memory gets sharpened gradually. Consumption of garlic is very beneficial in brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's. 

If you eat raw garlic daily, it keeps your mind calm and gives you relief from mental stress. Be sure to consume 1-2 cloves of garlic every morning.

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6. Garlic benefits in protecting from cold:

Top 9 health benefits of garlic

If you are troubled by any kind of respiratory disease, then you must definitely eat garlic. Because it helps to expel phlegm accumulated in the chest. Consumption of garlic acts as a very good medicine for cold, pneumonia, asthma etc.

 If you consume garlic regularly, your immunity starts increasing gradually. Due to which cold and cough are greatly reduced and your lungs also become stronger. Consumption of garlic is also considered very beneficial in sinus disease.

7. Garlic good source of Antioxidant :

A very good amount of antioxidants are found in garlic. Because of which it plays a very important role in keeping all the parts of our body healthy. 

Due to the antioxidants found in garlic, it also helps a lot in curing serious diseases like Alzheimer's. Therefore, all of you must include garlic in your food in some form or the other, it is a storehouse of qualities.

8. Garlic helps in removing toxicity of body:

Garlic has a very spicy taste which helps in removing harmful substances present in the body. Garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. Along with this, an element called allicin is found in it. 

Which induces the formation of white blood cells and the function of white blood cells is to remove toxic substances from our body. For this reason, by consuming garlic you can rid your body of toxins.

9. Garlic helps in stronger bones:

If you also have problems related to bones, then you must use garlic. You can eat garlic by roasting it a little. 

With this, it provides you with a good amount of calcium and you all know how essential calcium is for the health of our bones and our teeth. 

If the amount of calcium in the body is sufficient then you will be protected from serious diseases like osteoporosis. Therefore, you must consume garlic and strengthen your bones.

Benefits of eating raw garlic in empty stomach using warm water:

You all know about the benefits of garlic, but do you know that if you eat it with lukewarm water, its benefits become even more. It helps us in removing the toxic elements found in the body. 

Garlic removes various types of toxic substances present in our body. Due to which we are protected from many dangerous diseases like cancer, diabetes, blood pressure etc.

Side effects of eating garlic daily:

What happens to your body if you eat raw garlic everyday for a month

You must be aware about the benefits of eating garlic and you know that if it is not eaten in limited quantity then it can also have disadvantages.

1. If garlic is consumed in excess quantity, it can cause problems like heart burn and acid reflux. The element called allicin found in it is responsible for this.

2 . If you do not use garlic in a limited quantity then it can disturb your digestive system. Problems like gas, acidity, loose motion may occur. Because the carbohydrate it contains is called fructan. Some people cannot digest it easily. Due to which their digestion gets spoiled.

3. Due to the element allicin found in garlic, its smell is very intense. Whenever we eat garlic, our mouth starts smelling. Due to which we have to feel embarrassed in front of other people.

4. If you eat too much garlic, it may cause burning sensation in your stomach.

5. Eating garlic in large quantities is not good for the health of our liver. This can cause a condition of liver toxicity.

6. Eating excessive amounts of garlic can cause heartburn.

7. People who take medicines to thin the blood. They should not consume garlic. Because garlic also works to thin the blood, which can cause bleeding problems.

8. Eating garlic reduces our blood pressure. People whose blood pressure is already low may have the problem of low blood pressure.

Garlic nutritional value per 100g:

The following nutrients are found in 100 grams of garlic

  • Protein 6gm
  • Carbohydrate 30g
  • Calories 145 kcal
  • Calcium 180mg
  • Sodium 15 mg
  • Potassium400 mg
  • Cholesterol 0mg

Effective garlic home remedies:

Garlic is used as a spice in our kitchen. Along with this, it is also used in removing many types of problems of the body. Here we will discuss about home remedies made from garlic.

1. Garlic home remedy for cold:

Garlic has a hot nature and along with it, it also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to which it is very beneficial in cold and cough. 

For this, you can chew one or two garlic cloves and drink water or you can swallow it directly or you can also eat it by mixing it with honey. You can eat garlic in any form, it is beneficial in cold and cough.

2. Garlic home remedy for toothache:

An element called allicin found inside garlic helps in destroying harmful bacteria in the mouth. Because of which the risk of cavity in the mouth is reduced to a great extent and there is no foul smell in the mouth. 

Whenever you have a toothache, press a clove of garlic under your teeth, this will remove your toothache in no time.

3. Garlic home remedy for blood pressure:

Due to the medicinal properties of garlic, it helps in reducing and controlling blood pressure. People who have high blood pressure must consume garlic. 

But people who have low blood pressure must consult a qualified doctor before consuming garlic. Because the consumption of garlic lowers your blood pressure and people whose blood pressure is already low, then garlic will reduce their BP even more.

4. Garlic home remedy for cough:

Garlic can also be used to remove the problem of cough. For this, you can make small pieces of garlic by grinding or cutting it and adding honey to it, you can eat one teaspoon every morning and evening. With this, your cough problem will start getting relief within two-three days.

5. Garlic home remedy for boils:

The use of garlic is also considered very effective for removing boils. For this, take fresh garlic and grind it. Now extract its juice with the help of cloth or strainer. 

Now apply this juice on the boils. Leave it on the boils for atleast 10 to 15 minutes. Definitely You have to do this 2 times a day. Your  problem of boils will go away in a few days.

6. Garlic home remedy for nails:

very good amount of Selenium is found in Garlic. Due to which it is considered very effective in enhancing the health of our nails. 

For this, grind some garlic and mix this mixture with some oil. Now apply it on your nails and leave it for some time. After that clean it. If you do this for a few days, your nails will become very good.

7. Garlic home remedies for infection:

The nature of garlic is antibacterial and antiseptic. Because of which it helps in protecting us from infections caused by viruses and microorganisms in our body. By consuming garlic, our immune system becomes stronger due to which minor diseases stay away from us.

8. Garlic home remedies for sinus:

Garlic is also considered very effective in sinus problems. An element called allicin found in garlic provides relief from sinus related problems and anyway garlic is full of anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. 

With regular consumption of garlic, your sinus problem gradually starts getting relief. Due to the hot nature of garlic, it shows good effect in cold and sinus problems.

9. Garlic home remedies for skin:

Garlic is good for the skin, but you cannot apply garlic directly on your face because it can cause irritation on your face and make your face look bad. 

Therefore, you can use one or two buds by mixing them with three to four spoons of honey or milk. But still, you must consult your doctor before applying it on your screen so that you do not have to face any kind of problem.

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Frequently asked questions:

Q. 1 What happens if I eat garlic everyday?

Ans. Garlic is a type of spice. You can eat it regularly, but in a limited quantity. Eating one or two cloves of garlic every day will keep your heart healthy forever. Just keep in mind not to eat garlic in large quantities. This can cause problems like bad breath and stomach irritation.

Q.2 How much garlic should I take daily?

Ans. If you want to eat garlic daily, then eat only one or two cloves, this quantity is sufficient.

Q.3 What is the healthiest way to eat garlic?

Ans. Eating raw garlic in the morning is best way.


Q. 4 What is the best time to eat garlic?

Ans. The best time to eat garlic is considered to be in the morning before breakfast.

Q. 5 What are 5 things garlic can help with?

Ans. If you consume garlic regularly, it also provides relief in brain related diseases like dementia to a great extent.

Consuming garlic keeps our blood pressure level under control.

It is also helpful in controlling cholesterol.

Works as an immunity booster.

Reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like cancer.

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